We connect
producers and grocers

We advise and support producers on the international markets

We advise producers on the establishment and/or expansion of their export business and, if requested, help to implement international sales structures.
We support companies in the marketing of their products worldwide and identify with them. Our focus lies on high-quality, authentic food that represents real added value.

We support retailers in sourcing attractive products.

It is our goal to offer retailers "tailor-made" solutions and to build partnerships between manufacturers and retailers.
For this purpose, we develop strategies together. We react quickly to the needs and requirements of the market and implement this efficiently through targeted planning, market-oriented price strategies and long-term cooperation with selected suppliers.


Fine Food offers high-quality, authentic foods with added value and near-food products in selected quality.
Thanks to the close cooperation with our suppliers and optimized logistics processes, the goods are always delivered "just in time" as quickly as possible!
Our offer includes delicatessen products,ready to eat- products, charcuterie specialties, pasta and pasta products, pizza, rice, confectionery,coffee, frozen products, tomato products etc.

About us

At Fine Food are working people with passion for high-quality food. They live and carry our philosophy of quality and sustainability. With expertise and ideas they contribute to develop our mission. And everyday they are ready to support our partners, customers as well as all interested parties in the best possible way.

Franz Josef Viehweider
ceo finefood